martes, 28 de julio de 2020

Cita y Requisitos para Mis Corgi
Gracias por sus correos mi respuesta automática ya les resolvió varias dudas.

Dada la Contingencia únicamente se agendarán  citas vía FaceTime al 5565135080 Ciudad de México, favor de solicitar por correo o WhatsApp 

Si su principal pregunta es “precio “ y”disponibilidad “. No atenderé mas, dado que nuestra crianza es selecta y no comercial.

nota; no vendemos hembras bajo ninguna circunstancia, debido a que hembras que confiamos vender en el pasado fueron explotadas.
La visita a Casa Allegiance es un requisito importantísimo, el recibir en nuestra casa es una cortesía que ejerzo porque mi objetivo es proteger la raza.

Verán una crianza selecta, profesional y muy personal, asi como podrán convivir con Corgis Pembroke de todas edades y tener una invaluable experiencia.

 Es el único momento donde comparto información completa y el valor de mis ejemplares.

Mis Welsh Corgi Pembroke, tienen la mejor calidad en salud y belleza  que los distingue por el esmero en su crianza ya que su base son ejemplares internacionalmente famosos de las mejores líneas de sangre reconocidas mundialmente

Pido lea mi curriculum en mi blog de crianza que plasma experiencia y conocimiento de 35 años que los seudo criadores no poseen.   

Nuestra casa [no es establecimiento] se encuentra en la Cd., de México, y mis Corgi viven en un ambiente familiar.   La cita es sumamente informativa acerca de detalles especiales de la raza que solo el conocimiento y experiencia pueden ofrecer. 
Igualmente para nosotros cumple la finalidad de conocer a los interesados de ser ustedes el hogar adecuado.

He recibido incluso personas de varios países como Korea, China, Espana, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama y por supuesto de varios Estados de mi país.

mi gran responsabilidad hacia los Welsh Corgi es proteger
 la raza dando tanta información como sea posible en persona, ya que desgraciadamente se convirtió en una raza muy comercial y hay demasiadas personas ''criando'', 

Una cita meramente informativa, no nos compromete a nada a ninguna de las 2 partes; de ser ustedes el hogar adecuado y nosotros el tipo de crianza que quieran elegir, abre la probabilidad de asegurar así su lugar para alguno de ellos.   

Importante aclarar que al ser nuestra casa, es una gran cortes ía que extendemos abrir la puerta y no necesariamente podemos agendar citas, nos reservamos el derecho de recibir en casa selectivamente.
Pueden solicitar su cita al correo elect.,
 Doy pocas citas y Abro solo muy pocas reservas para los cachorros y aquí en casa lo explico a detalle. 

Importante; Con el fin de evitar la explotación de esta raza y de mi crianza;  No vendo hembras en México a menos que se tenga un macho de mi crianza . 

estas preguntas son para usted mismo antes de considerar tener esta raza y la calidad se nuestra crianza

a] ¿ha investigado usted todos los pormenores de la raza, incluyendo los no positivos en salud o temperamento?

b] ¿ha investigado lo que realmente significa calidad en belleza y salud genética?
c] ¿para usted es mas importante conseguir un cachorro rápido y barato a esperar mucho tiempo para poder obtener un excelente cachorro ?
d] ¿es importante para usted que su cachorro sea de crianza de calidad o de crianza mediocre?
e] ¿ comprende lo que conlleva el valor de un cachorro de crianza de calidad a diferencia de una calidad de crianza mediocre?

Los siguientes son párrafos de un excelente artículo muy ilustrativo que aconsejo lean.
Puppy buyer etiquette
I am posting this specifically because I do NOT have any puppies here now, and don’t anticipate any for a while. So you know that I’m not singling any real person out. This is because it seems that there’s a lot of confusion about the whole “proper” way to go about things. So, puppy buyers and anyone else thinking about maybe someday approaching a good breeder about a puppy, here you go:
1) STOP LOOKING FOR A PUPPY. The classic mistake puppy buyers make is saying “I need an xx breed puppy at the beginning of the fall” or whatever it may be. So they go out looking for litters due in August.
Puppies are not interchangeable; one is not the same as the others. This is largely because every breeder has their stop-the-presses criteria for breeding or not breeding, and each has preferences for size, personality, working ability, etc. Breeder X’s “perfect puppy” is not the same as Breeder Y’s.
Stop looking for a puppy; look for a BREEDER. Make a personal connection with a breeder you feel shares your top criteria, and then wait for a puppy from them. Maybe they even have a litter on the ground, which is wonderful, but maybe they’re not planning anything for a few months. Or maybe they’re not planning anything for a year; in that case, ask for a referral to another breeder that shares those same priorities and has a similar (or just as good) personality and support ethic. However it works out, screen the breeder first, then ask about a puppy.
1b) EXPECT TO WAIT FOR A PUPPY. It’s VERY rare to wait less than a couple of months; four to six is normal. I’ve waited a year on a couple of occasions; no, even we breeders don’t walk through the field, able to pick puppies like tulips. We ALL have to wait, and we ALL have to get matched up by the puppies’ breeder. 
2) INTRODUCE YOURSELF THOROUGHLY. The initial e-mail should be several paragraphs long; block out at least an hour of quiet for the first phone call. When you initiate contact, clearly communicate three things: You are ready for a puppy, you are ready for a puppy of this breed, and you understand what sets this breeder apart from the others and you share that commitment. Specifically describe your plans for this puppy; be truthful. If you are not going to be able to go to four training classes a year, SAY SO. Don’t say “Of course, training is a huge priority around here,” or you’re going to end up with a puppy who’s flushing your toilet sixty times a day because he’s so bored and you’re not challenging him. 
The ideal first contact e-mail usually goes something like
“Hi, my name is X and I’m writing to inquire about your dogs. I’ve been doing a lot of research on [breed] and I think they’re the right one for me because of [these four reasons.] I know puppies are a huge commitment, and I am planning to [accommodate that in various ways.] I’m approaching you in particular because of your interest in [whatever,] which is something I feel is very important and plan to encourage in [these three ways.]” That’s the kind of e-mail that gets a response, and usually pretty quickly. If I get something that says “I hear you have puppies on the way; how much?” it goes in the recyle bin before you can blink.
2a) Bring up price either at the end of the first contact (if it’s been successful and you feel a connection to this person) or in a follow-up contact. It’s nice to say “If you don’t mind me asking, about how much are [breed]s in this area, if there is a typical price? I just want to be prepared.” The breeder will usually give you two pieces of useful information: Her price, and the median prices around you. That way, if you decide to go a different way, you know about what to expect. If the second person you contact names a price that’s double the median, try to discreetly find out why. A very difficult pregnancy, nationally ranked parents, a surgical AI, c-section resulting in very few live puppies, those are some reasons a breeder could be asking more and it’s reasonable. If there’s no real difference from the other breeders except price, think carefully.
3) BE WILLING TO BE TOLD NO. Not every person is the right match for every breed. That’s just fact. There is no way on earth I could make our home appropriate for a Malamute puppy, and I’d have to lie through my teeth to get approved for one. And I have my entire life devoted to keeping dogs happy. I don’t expect you to have anywhere close to the obsession I have, so that means there will be some dogs that are just plain wrong for you. If a breeder says no, ask why. If the answers make sense, don’t keep calling people until you finally get one who will sell you a puppy of that breed. Go back to the drawing board and be very humble and honest with yourself about what kind of dog really would be right for you and your family.
4) PLEASE DO NOT GET ON MORE THAN ONE WAITING LIST unless you are VERY honest about it. This goes back to rule 1. You need to understand that we think our puppy buyers are just as in love with the puppies as we are. We’re posting pictures, writing up instructions, burning CDs, researching everything from pedigrees to nail grinding, all so we can hand off this puppy, this supreme glorious creature of wonderfulness, with the absolute maximum chance that it will lead a fabulous life with you, and we’ve built all kinds of air castles in our heads about how happy this puppy will be, and what it will do in its life with you, and so on. Finding out that you had your name on four lists shows that you don’t realize that puppies are not packages of lunch meat, where getting one from Shaws is basically the same as getting one from Stop and Shop.
5. PLEASE DO NOT EXPECT TO CHOOSE YOUR PUPPY. This one drives puppy buyers CRAZY. I know this, trust me. I have a lot of sympathy because I’ve been there. But the fact is that when you come into my house and look at the eight-week-old puppies and one comes up and tugs on your pant leg and you look at me, enraptured, and say “THIS IS IT! He chose ME,” I’ve been looking at people coming into the house all week, and every single time this same puppy has come up and tugged at them and every single one of them have said to me “THIS IS IT!”
My responsibility is not to make you happy.And that, dear friends, is why I am posting this now, and not when I have a bunch of actual puppy buyers around :D. But it’s the truth. My responsibility is to the BREED first. That’s why my first priority in placing puppies is the show owners, because they are the ones that will (if all goes well) use this dog to keep the breed going. It’s not that I like them better than I like you; it’s that I have to be extremely careful who I place with them so that they can make breeding decisions with the very best genetic material I can hand them. My second responsibility is to the PUPPY. I will place each puppy where I feel that it has the best chance of success and the optimal environment to thrive.
So while I do care, and I will try to take your preferences into account, do not expect to walk into my living room and put your hand in the box and pick whatever puppy you want. And do not expect to be given priority pick because you contacted me first; conversely, do not expect that because you came along late you somehow won’t get a good puppy. Sometimes the person who calls me when the puppies are seven and a half weeks old ends up with what I’d consider the “pick” for various reasons (sometimes because somebody called me up and said they’d gotten a puppy from someone else; see rule 4 above). I am going to try to do my absolute best to match puppies to owners as objectively as I can, not according to who called first... 

Casa Allegiance
   Muchas Gracias


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